Salakieli Editor

This is a tool which can decrypt and encrypt various Noita *.salakieli files.

Someone told me about the 9 mysterious eye messages scattered around Noita's worlds, so I decided to do a little digging via reverse engineering. One of the first things I do is check the licenses if there are any interesting ones. Noita has one for tiny-aes which piqued my interest: why would a single player game need an encryption library? After a dozen or so hours in Ghidra and Visual Studios, I hadn't found anything relating to the eye glyphs, but I did discover how Noita handles its salakieli files.

Salakieli files are just XML files which have been encrypted with the AES-CTR 128 cypher from values embedded within the exe. Extracting those values allows one to decrypt, edit, and reencrypt salakieli files. I've found 3 files which get saved to disk, and they're all under the Nolla_Games_Noita/save00 directory. The files contain your progress towards spells, perks, and enemies; config values for various debugging features, gameplay modifications, and UI elements; and values pertaining to your current game.

How to Use

Remember to make Backups!

  1. Use the file picker below and navigate to %appdata%\..\LocalLow\Nolla_Games_Noita\save00
  2. Choose one of your *.salakieli files (_stats.salakieli is in the stats directory)
  3. Use the combo box, to the right, to select which kind of file you chose (selecting the wrong one will mean you'll get garbage when you decrypt it and corrupt your file when you save it.)
  4. Click the Decrypt button
  5. View and make changes to the file in the text box below
  6. Click the Encrypt and Save button and choose where you want to save the new file