This is a tool which can decrypt and encrypt various Noita *.salakieli files.
Someone told me about the 9 mysterious eye messages scattered around Noita's worlds, so I decided to do a little digging via reverse engineering. One of the first things I do is check the licenses if there are any interesting ones. Noita has one for tiny-aes
which piqued my interest: why would a single player game need an encryption library?
After a dozen or so hours in Ghidra and Visual Studios, I hadn't found anything relating to the eye glyphs, but I did discover how Noita handles its salakieli files.
Salakieli files are just XML files which have been encrypted with the AES-CTR 128 cypher from values embedded within the exe. Extracting those values allows one to decrypt, edit, and reencrypt salakieli files. I've found 3 files which get saved to disk, and they're all under the Nolla_Games_Noita/save00 directory. The files contain your progress towards spells, perks, and enemies; config values for various debugging features, gameplay modifications, and UI elements; and values pertaining to your current game.